Documenting a Julia Package

Now that you have written a Julia package, you need to tell people how to use it. For this purpose, you need to add docstrings to your functions.

In addition to these docstrings, you can build a website that documents your package using Documenter.jl. If you host your package on GitHub, you can use GitHub Actions to build your documentation and GitHub Pages to host the resulting website.

Table of Contents


Let's add a docstring to the timestwo function we added in "Writing a Julia package". For this purpose, we assume that our source code includes the following:

# Contents of src/MyPackage.jl
module MyPackage

timestwo(x) = 2 * x

export timestwo  # only exported functions from a module are available without namespacing

end # end module

As shown in "Getting Help", you can type ? in a Julia REPL to enter help mode, which changes the REPL prompt from julia> to help?>. In help mode, typing the name of a function will print its documentation, however timestwo doesn't have a docstring yet:

julia> using MyPackage # all exported functions are available

help?> timestwo
search: timestwo

  No documentation found.

  MyPackage.timestwo is a Function.

  # 1 method for generic function "timestwo" from MyPackage:
   [1] timestwo(x)
       @ ~/.julia/dev/MyPackage/src/MyPackage.jl:3

Let's add one by editing src/MyPackage.jl:

# New contents of src/MyPackage.jl
module MyPackage


Multiply the input `x` by two.
timestwo(x) = 2 * x

export timestwo  # only exported functions from a module are available without namespacing

end # end module

Let's go through this in detail:

Must read!

The Julia Documentation has an in-depth guide on how to write a good docstring.

You can now view your docstring in help mode!

help?> timestwo
search: timestwo


  Multiply the input x by two.

Documentation using Documenter.jl

Building documentation locally

When building your first documentation page with Documenter.jl, it is annoying to have to wait for GitHub Actions to pass or fail. In this section, you will therefore learn how to build your docs locally. This is entirely optional, but can be helpful to debug failing GitHub Actions.

In "Setting up a Julia package", PkgTemplates already set up a /docs folder for us. This folder contains an environment, which we need to activate to build our docs locally:

(MyPackage) pkg> activate docs
  Activating project at `~/.julia/dev/MyPackage/docs`

(docs) pkg>

This environment is also where we can add additional dependencies to our docs. Now we can run the "main" file of our documentation, which is called docs/make.jl. Simply include the file:

julia> include("docs/make.jl");
[ Info: SetupBuildDirectory: setting up build directory.
[ Info: Doctest: running doctests.
[ Info: ExpandTemplates: expanding markdown templates.
[ Info: CrossReferences: building cross-references.
[ Info: CheckDocument: running document checks.
[ Info: Populate: populating indices.
[ Info: RenderDocument: rendering document.
[ Info: HTMLWriter: rendering HTML pages.
[ Info: Automatic `version="1.0.0-DEV"` for inventory from ../Project.toml
┌ Warning: Documenter could not auto-detect the building environment. Skipping deployment.
└ @ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/CJeWX/src/deployconfig.jl:76

The command above successfully built your documentation into the folder docs/build!

The warning at the end is normal: the docs/make.jl is primarily intended to be run by your CI workflow. It calls Documenter.jl's function deploydocs, which tries to deploy your documentation to a branch of your GitHub repository called gh-pages, which fails outside of CI and prints the warning above.

Looking at your documentation

In a separate terminal (you can open one by clicking the + in the upper right corner of your VSCode terminal), use LiveServer to serve the docs/build folder:

julia> using LiveServer

julia> serve(; dir="docs/build", launch_browser=true)
✓ LiveServer listening on http://localhost:8000/ ...
  (use CTRL+C to shut down)

Leave this second terminal open in the background. You can now update your documentation, re-run include("docs/make.jl") in your first terminal, and instantly view the changes to your docs.

Writing documentation

Adding pages

Let's take a look at the docs/make.jl file we previously ran, and focus on the pages argument in the call to makedocs:

# Part of the `makedocs` call in `docs/make.jl`
    "Home" => "",

This line adds the file docs/src/ as your "Home" page. You can create new pages by adding .md Markdown files to the docs/src/ folder and including them here. For example, you could add a file called docs/src/ and include it as

    "Home" => "",
    "Getting Started" => "", # <--- added page

Writing Markdown content

Now that you can build your docs locally, try to modify them. Documenter.jl uses Julia's Markdown syntax:

Generated contents

Let's take a look at the docs/src/ that was added by PkgTemplates.

There are more types of blocks:

Write your first doc page!

Use @example or @repl blocks to write your "Getting started" page in docs/src/!

Setting up GitHub Pages

If you followed the Set-up guide and added keys using DocumenterTools, your documentation is almost ready to go. In your GitHub repository, go to Settings > Pages > Build and deployment. For the "Source", select "Deploy from a branch" and select gh-pages and /(root) in the drop-down menus below.

Your dev docs should now automatically update every time you update the main branch of your repository. You can read them by clicking on the docs | dev badge in your README.

Stable documentation isn't available

The docs | stable badge in your README most likely returns an error when clicking on it. This is due to the fact that stable doc pages are connected to "tagged releases" of your repository, e.g. a future v1.0.0 release. Since you haven't tagged a release yet, stable docs aren't available.

For the purpose of the JuML project work at TU Berlin, simply ignore the badge or remove it from the README.

Further reading

Last modified: September 06, 2024.
Website, code and notebooks are under MIT License © Adrian Hill.
Built with Franklin.jl, Pluto.jl and the Julia programming language.